The investment programme, which began in 2016, is the result of the company’s strategic decision, supported by its investors, to guarantee long-term benefits for the 5 components (customers, employees, suppliers, society and capital).
- The company’s brutal transformation has involved the implementation of the New Efficient Store Model, international expansion in Portugal, the roll-out of the Online Project, the optimisation of logistics centres and innovation in new IT tools and organisational models.
- Having reduced the price of 1,000 products between April 2023 and February 2024, Mercadona will continue reducing prices for the rest of the year.
- Mercadona has created 5,000 new jobs and now employs a total of 104,000 people in Spain and Portugal, with whom it has shared 600 million euros in bonuses, 50% more than the previous financial year.
- In 2023, Mercadona’s efficiency, profitability and management improvements have led to a 40% increase in net profits, reaching 1,009 million euros, after paying 43% more in Profit Tax.
- The company has allocated 80% of these profits to its continued efforts to maximise investments, planning to invest 5,000 million euros between now and 2028.