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Sustainable fishing

Sustainable fishing

For Mercadona and its suppliers, sustainable fishing is a commitment to protection and complying with current law and Mercadona’s Fishing Products Purchasing Policy (PCPP). Mercadona has a PCPP aimed at improving the sustainability of the extractive fishing and aquaculture products it offers its customers.

The fishing products purchasing policy commits Mercadona and its suppliers to working together to guarantee legal compliance and current management measures, and traceability from catching to sale, including measures that respect minimum sizes, biological stoppages and closed seasons.

For example, 100% of Hacendado tinned tuna comes from responsibly managed fishing grounds, and fresh salmon (both cut-to-order and pre-packaged) comes from fish farms managed responsibly and sustainably. It meets the requirements of our Fishing Products Purchasing Policy and the strictest sustainability standards like ASC and Global Good Aquaculture Practice (Global Gap).