Mercadona employee with a customer in a supermarket.

Mercadona hires 7,000 people for the 2017 summer campaign

01 june 2017
  • The company plans to hire 2,000 people more than in the 2016 summer campaign - when it hired 5,000 - to respond to the influx of tourists, and to maintain a service of excellence.
  • The salary for these new Mercadona employees will be of 1,122 euros month/net, and the contracting period runs from June to September.

Mercadona, a 100% Spanish-owned, family-run chain of supermarkets, incorporates 7,000 people to its workforce for the summer campaign, which starts in June and finishes in September. This means 2,000 people more than the 5,000-staff contracted for the summer 2016 campaign.

The need to reinforce the workforce during the period is mainly due to many of its employees being off on holidays and the increase in the number of tourists visiting the country. The objective is to guarantee the service of excellence offered to the “Bosses” (clients) in the more than 1,600 stores strewn throughout the country.

Jezabel, employee of the Los Tempranales supermarket in San Sebastian de los Reyes, Madrid.Jezabel, employee of the Los Tempranales supermarket in San Sebastian de los Reyes, Madrid.

Director of Contracting and Human Resources for the company José Elías Portalés has pointed out that achieving this quality objective requires training and hard work “in order that these thousands of employees have access to specific training for their posts, and that we may ensure that our customers are as satisfied as during the rest of the year”. After contracting a further 4,000 employees last year, Mercadona currently offers stable, quality employment to 79,000 people, which reinforces the company’s commitment towards the personal and professional growth of all its employees.

In the framework of the company’s Collective Agreement, this commitment has allowed for the achievement of important milestones in 2016, such as 98% of its workforce receiving a performance-related bonus (300 million euros in total), 7,536 employees moving to a higher band or professional category (entailing am 11% salary increase) and guaranteeing - including for the 7,000 people being employed for the summer campaign - that Mercadona’s minimum net starting salary is of 1,122 euros per month. 

A Human Resources Policy praised by the UN

Mercadona’s Human Resources policy has been praised by the International Labour Organization (ILO) - a specialised agency of the United Nations - in its publication “Non-standard Employment Around the World”. According to the ILO, Mercadona’s commitment towards stable, quality employment, its investment in training and the distribution of profits among its staff are all factors that influence the success of its Human Resources policy.


Header picture: Sergio and Beatriz, employee and “Boss” of the supermarket in Villafranca de los Barros, Badajoz.