Map of food donations in 2022 by Mercadona

Mercadona donates 25,100 tonnes of essential products in 2022, 22% more than in 2021

26 january 2023
  • The company collaborates with over 550 social entities and over 60 food banks and other entities in Spain and Portugal.

In 2022, Mercadona, the physical supermarket and online sales company, donated 25,100 tonnes of essential products to over 550 soup kitchens and 60 food banks and other charities with which it collaborates in Spain and Portugal. This quantity represents a 22% increase in contributions compared with 2021.

Video in Spanish

Likewise, the “Bosses” (customers) have also collaborated in different charity initiatives organised during the last year. Notable among these is their participation in the Great Food Collection organised by the Spanish Food Bank Federation (FESBAL), where thanks to the solidarity of customers and 10% of the total donated being added to this charity initiative by Mercadona, over 3.5 million euros was raised, which will be transformed in 2023 into over 2,300 tonnes of essential products for the users of the different participating Food Banks.

List in Spanish

Listado Entidades Sociales en Mercadona durante 2022



A sustainable social action policy integrated into Mercadona’s CSR strategy

One of Mercadona’s commitments to society is to share part of what it has received. This is the goal behind the company’s Social Responsibility Plan, which addresses social and ethical components through various sustainable lines of action that reinforce its commitment to shared growth.

Additionally, Mercadona collaborates with 32 foundations and occupational centres to decorate its stores with mosaic murals made by over 1,000 people with intellectual disabilities.

Sustainability is another strategic pillar of the Social Responsibility Plan. In this regard, it has its own Environmental Management System based on the principles of the circular economy and focused on the optimisation of logistics, energy efficiency, waste management, sustainable production and reducing plastic.

In this context, Mercadona, along with its Totaler Suppliers, is working on Strategy 6.25 with a triple objective for 2025: reduce plastic by 25%, make all packaging made of this material recyclable, and recycle all plastic waste. Mercadona is also working on the Sustainable Urban Distribution Project and on improving air quality in our cities by using lorries and vans driven by cleaner and more efficient technologies.

Since 2011 it has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact for defending fundamental values in areas of human rights, employment standards, environment and the fight against corruption.

Map of food donations in 2022 by MercadonaMap of food donations in 2022.